Greetings and blessings,
I'd like to start off this blog with my reasons for taking this path.
For most of my life I was a total skeptic, but Since 2008, after a spiritual awakening that occured through meditation, I've noticed there was much more to life than we can see, analyze, or measure. So I devoted myself to learning about all things magical: dream interpretation, tarot, reading Occult books, and above all, believing in a sentient, loving Universe that has our back no matter what.
Since then, it's changed me for the better. I still struggle, I am unemployed due to PTSD I've had since childhood but I can thank the Universe that I'm not where I used to be. Communing with the Other Side has lead me to great help, great opportunities, and exciting paths.
Of course people were less than supportive. I was bombarded by stuff like "It's not real!" "It's not scientific!" "People only get into that stuff cause it looks exciting and they want to escape from reality!" Also cause I dress "Goth" and enjoy fantasy novels, people told me I was just into it to get an ego boost from looking all "mysterious" and "Satanic"
I couldn't disagree more.
There totally is another side, and a power that's more than happy to assist anyone who asks and believes.
Let me make one thing clear: I only care about one thing: results.
I choose beliefs like I'd choose a car. I wouldn't buy one cause I like the colour, to impress other people, or cause it looked cool on the commercial. I'd ask "What does it do?" "How can it benefit me?" "Is it reliable?" I don't give a crap how "exciting" or "mystical" a belief system looks. If it's not gonna make me a stronger, better person, I don't want it.
I used to think psychology could do it all, and it's great, but I realized none of it could give me just what I needed, and the Occult seemed way more in tune with the way things are. It has so many practical benefits: meditation works wonders for the mind and body. Magic symbols/sigils work well because the human mind responds much stronger to pictures than words. A symbol on your Altar that you see everyday can keep its meaning in your mind so deeply that you notice and attract what it represents into your life: be it money, love, or whatever. Acting out your desires through psychodrama/ritual, as if you already have them, gives you the confidence that it is indeed possible, greatly increasing your chances of success.
No disrespect, but I've yet to meet any skeptics who've given me things so simple yet so powerfully effective.
An example: in the past I was really lazy. I'd promise to help people and never show up. I'd never do laundry. I wouldn't even return library books on time, getting $200 in fines. I read so many books on motivation and had people tell me that, but it never stuck. Then one thing changed it all.
I was watching a talk show with two magicians being interviewed and one of them was asked if he wanted to convert people to his beliefs. He replied no, "(We) want the elite, leaders, competent people." He was then asked "Don't you want to help people?" And he responded "If the person is worthy of my attention. We help those who help themselves."
I don't agree with everything he said and I believe in helping people, but his words struck me like lightning. I said to myself "This is the way the world is! The people who succeed are the COMPETENT people! Who's gonna help me if I'm not helping myself?" He summed up in less than five minutes what it takes other people a whole book to tell. Soon after, I changed myself. Now people respect me as being strong, skilled, and reliable in many things. I also started doing volunteer work to gain job skills for the future and become the type of person employers want, and go out into the world and do something instead of sitting around watching TV saying I'm too "depressed" to do anything. Also, I later found out that due to a computer error, my library fines were mysteriously erased. Thank you, spirits!
Sure I might still struggle in some ways but a lot of the things holding me back have come to an end. I feel like a whole new person. Another thing skeptics say is that people only get into spirituality to comfort themselves and feel better- the words I heard from that magician were anything but comforting, but they got me on the right path. Sure, spirituality feels good and that's great, but that's not why I stick around. It helps me move forward.
This Path doesn't just help you feel better, it helps you DO better, and that's why I love it. Namaste.
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