One night last week I was thinking of going to a party instead of a seminar I planned on attending. Nothing wrong with partying, I love to party, but my intuition told me I was “slacking off” because I’d been really out of alignment that week and really needed something to help me get back on the right path and living the way I should.
I felt like I should really leave the party till another time and go to the spiritual seminar instead, as it was important to get myself back on track and living at my best. Skipping it tonight would have just thrown me off. It took a LOT of self-control, but I felt I had to do what I knew was right for that time.
So, despite the strong temptation and “fear of missing out”, I decided to go there instead and chose another party the following week instead. While walking to the seminar through the night, I noticed a group of people going “Oh my God!” and taking pictures of something on their cellphones. I looked to see what it was, and it was a beautiful white owl perched on a fence right near me, looking right at me.
This is significant for many reasons: first, the owl is a symbol of the spirit world and of wisdom, also just a few days before I was looking at this book called “Other Worlds” at the library and there was a beautiful photo of a white owl there. The photographer mentioned he felt owls were “magical” and how rare it is to see a white owl, as they’re very reclusive and not common. This was the first time in my life I had ever seen an owl and I was amazed.
Also I found out owls symbolize change, so for me it was a message that I had made the right, wise decision and confirming that my life has changed in a beautiful way. It was looking right at me, like it knew, and I took a photo of it too. Looking at the photo afterwards I noticed the owl was in it but not looking at me and not so clear, but the city lights behind it were way more prominent. For me, this is a sign as well- that what the owl represented was more important than merely just seeing the owl itself.
For me, city lights at night symbolize new, undiscovered territories, new possibilities- things that I put myself in line with by being strong enough to make the right decision. I don't know about you, but that's what I felt the message for tonight was.
And owls are fucking awesome anyways. :D
Owls are awesome! It's always nice when you get a good sign from the universe telling you your on the right track! This definitely sounds like one of those times. If you'd have gone to the party you may have missed out on this important moment. It seems like you were meant to be there and that you made the right choice after all even though your anxieties were telling you other wise. Tre inner wise man spoke and you listened. Nice article!